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Week 6

These weeks are about narrowing down the script and starting to think strategically about shot lists, what will work choreographically, what wouldn't.  In the MIRO storyboard app we are mapping rough storyboards and timelines together with visuals. I will need this when meeting with Hristo Yordanov, who has agreed to help us compose the music. By the end of week 7 the storyboard will be made of rough renders of all the sets, so we can check if the flow is correct. By the end of march we need to be ready for filming, so that Joe can have enough time to match up the footage withing the environments, so I can have at least 2 weeks for editing and colour correcting before the trailer is due. 
This is how the script (concentration on my section) looks like now:
PbRP storyboard _inspo plan.jpg
EYE rough.PNG

Today we started on the rough 'sketching' of my sets and we focused on the eye and the inside of it. The tunnel because the optical nerve which gave a new depth to the scene. 

Week 7

My responsibility is to make the music for the piece, so I met with Hristo Yordanov on Monday and we went through key themes, sounds and an overall structure. 

Tuesday I sent him a full breakdown scene-by-scene of what is happening, where the music needs to be more intense, where not, colours and sensibilities. 

I need the music by Sunday of week 8 to start trying out how our planned choreography ties in with it and adjust. For the check-in in week 9 we should have draft of the music to show and ask our peers questions about it, show a complete storyboard and again ask for feedback on structure and aesthetics. 

Towards the end of that week I managed to organize a shot list, needed for filming and started gathering the supplies I need, such as the green screen itself, the rope and harnesses needed to suspend me to film the falling sequence and searching for a public pool that will let me film. 

As it is Reading Week I have focused on reading some texts and academic work on choreography to check if I am in the right direction, as I have never done anything like this project before. It is a research on all its levels: thematic and practical. 

Costume draft 1.jpg

Costume ideas

Pina Bausch links directly to a flowy dress. Personally, long hair and a dress are things that connected me to my childhood or past. 

On the left is what I train in but I want to experiment with making skin tone tights into crop tops, so it can represent a shedding of skin in some of my scenes. 

Costume draft 1.jpg

Things I watched and read:

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