DEVINA flow:
[How I fall] Camera quickly comes to a close up of my face and even more so to the iris of my eye. Stop movement. My small figure falls into my eye. The camera follows me from above, while I fall down the iris, which is now a dark tunnel with no end to be seen. The texture of it imitates the texture of the eye muscles. (spot to cut to Joe)
While falling, suddenly (no visual warning) I break the surface of water [close-up] and almost immediately fall out of it from the bottom part, where there is another water barrier but reversed. [close-up]
I fall in complete darkness, no visible surroundings and disappear into it. (spot to cut to Joe)
When the shot comes back to be I hit the ground with a heavy bang. It is dark. The light comes from the center, as I am the light source, but very dim and weak. My dance starts (creaky body and self-inspection). During it the light grows and the camera starts catching the texture of the floor first.
By the end of this growing we see a massive space, only the floor is clearly visible. There are no walls or more like they aren't visible to us because they are very far away. (running on slow mo dance) I can't find a way out (desperate dance) at the end of it I fall on the floor, heavily, giving up. When I hit the ground a massive sun-like (whitish-blue) starts rising from the horizon. It almost fills the whole screen. While it rises a narrow river of light makes its way to me. I see it, inspect it and take it. It becomes a rope of light, not as liquid anymore. I follow it to the sun. The camera turns around, as if the floor is actually on the right and gravity has changed. I am now climbing to the sun. (dancily) The moment I reach ‘the top’ the sun shines very bright, (white-out), blinding and I am sucked in it. Falling into Joe’s world. I am seen falling into his world (3 sec). The moment I hit the ground the visual change, merging the aesthetics of our world, creating something recognisable but very different. Dance Piece together.