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Weeks 8-9

These weeks are represented by a house, as a home for our project was laid down. The weeks involved finishing the full music score, getting the basic choreo done and finalizing the shot list, so we can get to filming after week 10. 

In week 8 together we started devising the separate piece for the Work-in-progress checks in week 9

I had a post-reading week call with Julia and we talked through everything. She gave awesome ideas that Joe and I are working into the structure of the score. Julia suggested I watch Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker's Choreographer's scores and I am in love. That did come about during my second year but my brain decided to delete it. 

I love Keersmaeker because she is structured and sensual at the same time; very well measured. I will use her scoring method in developing most of the longer bits of the dance film. 

p.s - I realized I hate how I look while dancing and experimenting, so I  have to learn to film the sessions better.  

/Close-up/ We're tired. D1 (Stylized falling asleep, one eye open)

One wakes up and stares into one point. When the other gets up the first one nods off again. (repeat 3x)

Both wake-up. A (thought), then a headache, B1 variations. Start together and branch Devina into B2, Joe into either A or continues B1. 

Devina goes back to B1 when Joe acknowledges the walls/train/outside. (repeat 3x)

D together (they sit down on the train seats and Joe dozes off for a sec; Devina stares)

A together 

MAKE together but each a different C

Tableuea / Trash it 

TRAIN choreography /Saturday rehearsal/

Key phrases: 

A - Thought-clock


B - Think 


C - Make


D - Rest

B1 - Head massage 

B2 - Body massage 

B3 - Dizzy head

C1 sign language



D1 - Doze off

D2 - Stare



Both of us started thinking of DIY methods of green screening. Joe might be able to use the campus green screen. 

Regardless, both of us are watching youtube green screen lighting techniques like crazy. The material on the floor is the most difficult. 

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