Week 1
SLP tasks after Daniel Oliver's workshop
Our first week was about building a world, which directly related to the tasks Joe and I have ahead of us - creating a virtual world, with its own rules and sensibilities.
I attempted to interact with the world I ended up during Daniel's 'meditation' session.
My world had apartments stuck to each other on opposite walls and gravity came from all direction. The Artist Cinta Vidal paints such an environment.
During SLP I played around with gravity and camera flips but with more primitive editing. I interacted with my world and see how such a simple thing could become a problem with such architecture.
For our final SLP task, we had to incorporate an element from our peers' initial performance and create a warmup. Jorge and Andrew incorporated questionnaires in building their worlds and characters. After SLP, in a separate meeting with Joe, we made a list of what physical parts of ourselves we love and then asked which of those parts would be affected by the changes in our drastically different worlds and how we would use our bodies to dance.
This lead to an idea of what our concept will be - worlds of imagination. We won't strive to create a unified style or world, but use the default fact that we are different people, with different architectures of our unconsciousness and build accordingly.
Week 2
SLP after Martin O'Brien's workshop
Martin's tasks helped us evolve the conceptual build of our virtual world. We concentrated on the following:
The workshop us gave us the opportunity to work on mapping the virtual space of our performance and figure out how to use it and how do the different locations relate to each other.
In SLP, we developed a short physical exercise, based on the grid work we did in the workshop to start us off thinking with our bodies and how to use space. When we sat down to draw it we saw that our scores look like a 'train of thought'.
This lead to the decision that we are going to make a journey through our minds and how do we, as artists, navigate creativity in isolation. We will research our own lockdown psychy's, on a journey through creativity via our bodies.
Naturally, we begin in a train carriage. There is a starting point A and an end-point B. But are we going to reach it?
Creative work in lockdown
Jumping between VR and Shots in real life. The imaginary world echoes through dance, movement from real-life lockdown embodiment. In other words, using real-life movements to create the dance in our mind palaces.
How does sound go into VR?
How do everyday tasks get translated?

Joe feels dry and claustrophobic, so his main space will be a desert but within walls that pressure him.